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Young Adult Guys’ Small Group

This is a new small group for guys in their 20s and 30s, focused on fellowship and discussion. Josh will lead the discussion on "Character Analysis," examining some of the...


College Sunday Night Fellowship

College students, join us at the Shidelers’ home (2376 Snowshill Lane) for dinner. We’ll use this time to deepen friendships and discuss themes from the sermon.


Our senior high/rising college students will attend the RYM (Reformed Youth Ministries) Conference at Laguna Beach in Panama City. Please pray for their time together there this week.


Young Adult Guys’ Small Group

This is a new small group for guys in their 20s and 30s, focused on fellowship and discussion. Josh will lead the discussion on "Character Analysis," examining some of the...

Ladies Summer Bible Study

Ladies, join us on Wednesdays this summer to study the Psalms together. July 10 - Psalm 33 Led by Betty Thomas at Mary Alderman's home (1842 Creekwood Trail).