Youth Girls Breakfast
Youth girls (7th-12th grades), come meet with some of our college students at the Carriage House (651 E. Samford Ave.) for breakfast and Bible Study before school.
Youth girls (7th-12th grades), come meet with some of our college students at the Carriage House (651 E. Samford Ave.) for breakfast and Bible Study before school.
Youth guys (7th-12th grades), join Josh and some of our college students for breakfast and Bible Study before school at Chappy’s (754 E. Glenn Ave.).
Please join us at the Alumni Center for breakfast and carols as we consider the beginning of the Advent season and fellowship together. The nursery will not be open. Little...
We will worship today in two services at 8:30 and 11:00am with Sunday School at 10:00.
All young adults (20s & 30s) are invited to the Shidelers’ home (1818 Shadow Bend Lane) for dinner and a hymn sing. Plan to join us!
Men, we have two opportunities for you to gather weekly with other men in the church. Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00am at Steve Brown’s home (2067 Lamb Lane). Please let Steve know (229-387-1786)...
College girls, pop in at the Shidelers’ house (1818 Shadow Bend Lane) for a study break. We’ll have coffee and snacks and hope to see you there!
Men, we have two opportunities for you to gather weekly with other men in the church. Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00am at Steve Brown’s home (2067 Lamb Lane). Please let Steve know (229-387-1786)...
Families of elementary-aged children and below, join us for our Kids Advent Series! We'll have dinner, a Bible story and a craft. Contact Josh Shideler (662-209-7618) with questions. December 4th...
Our Missions Committee has invited missionaries Chris and Kim Todd to speak to our congregation. Chris and Kim took their four children from Marshall County, Alabama to Beirut, Lebanon as...
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