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Men’s Small Group

Men, we have two opportunities for you to gather weekly with other men in the church. Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00am at Steve Brown’s home (2067 Lamb Lane). Please let Steve know (229-387-1786)...

Youth Pickleball

Come join us for a pickleball tournament at the Opelika SportsPlex (1001 SportsPlex Pkwy, Opelika, AL 36801)!


Ladies Bible Study

For ladies of all ages and stages, Lisa Spence will teach 1 Samuel at Janie Spiker's home (1997 Preserve Dr.). Please plan to join us! Childcare is available at the...


Youth Girls Breakfast

Youth girls (7th-12th grades), come meet with some of our college students at the Carriage House (651 E. Samford Ave.) for breakfast and Bible Study before school.


Youth Guys Breakfast

Youth guys (7th-12th grades), join Josh and some of our college students for breakfast and Bible Study before school at Chappy’s (754 E. Glenn Ave.).

Christ Pres Tailgate

Meet us in the middle of Samford Lawn for the inaugural Christ Pres tailgate! We will provide chicken fingers and snacks but feel free to bring a side dish/snack to...